The Great Packs ~ A wolf Roleplay

in Roleplaying

Why does Snapper translate to From Argentina and Bee translate to Apes? (Multiple answers allowed.)

1,089 posts


animalliterature • 9 July 2018 at 10:01 PM

@amethyst_elf448 Sorry, I went inactive and on a two-week vacation, getting home only yesterday. I promise I'll try to work harder from now on--it's gotten exhausting and redundant for me to keep working on this, but I said I'll finish it before we started, so I'll try to hold to it. But, tomorrow {or Wednesday} I'm going camping with some friends--cough, cough nine cough, cough--for a day or two. But, taking into consideration how much time people have waited for this, I'll try to speed it up.

Edit: I don't have time right now to finish the Pack Info, but I will start reading peoples' forms.

Another edit: I only had time to look over a couple forms, but I'm pretty sure they were rewritten, so I basically wasted my time. I have to catch up on some sleep now, though, so I'll come back later. 😊

242 posts


amethyst_elf448 • 10 July 2018 at 1:38 AM

It's ok no need to apologize. It's actually good that you took a break from egg cave to spend time outside with friends and family!

1,089 posts


animalliterature • 10 July 2018 at 8:42 AM

@amethyst_elf Thanks for the support! Also, turns out someone had family visiting, so we postponed the camping trip 'till next week, so you're stuck with me until then! 😃

1,924 posts


reality • 11 July 2018 at 6:55 PM

Still able to sign up? Will do some more later but I feel drained.

Name: Feather
Pack: Softheart
Rank: Beta
Gender: Female
Mate: None yet
Kin: Robin{half sister}; Thrush{half brother}
Pup{s}: {Optional}
Past: (gonna write it later, lol)
Trained by: Amber
Apprentice: None
Appearance: A light brown wolf with a white underbelly and amber eyes. She has a nicked ear and scar that runs diagonally across her face.
Personality: Feather is a kind, but stern wolf. She is loyal only to her pack, and doesn't know about her half siblings, whose mother was a rogue. She strives to do her best, for she was once called weak by her father.
Other: Rraa
Anything Special: None

1,089 posts


animalliterature • 24 July 2018 at 5:28 PM

wOw I'm so great at procrastinating 😋 Time to tackle this again. Edit: Yikes. I haven't found time for this in a while since school started, but it's been nagging at the back of my head for a while, sooo yeah I'll try to finish it up now. If I don't, I'm very sorry. You've all been so patient!
