Feed my cove contest

in User Contests & Giveaways

157 posts


s101_side_icecloud • 27 September 2018 at 3:59 PM

Hi guys, my critters are dying/losing health, and so I decided to do this contest. If you have lots of time, feed my whole cove for 3 points. If you have a good amount of time, feed 1/2 (half) my cove for 2 points. If you only have a bit of time, feed 1/3 or 1/4 of my cove. Please try to also feed starting from the back of my cove sometimes so my critters won't die.

Sizing: (based on 88-90 critter estimates)
Whole cove: 88-90 critters=3 pts
Half Cove: 44-45 critter=2 pts
1/3-1/4 cove: 25-30 critters=1 pt

1st place: r100 (retired) item and 3kEC
2nd place: r90+ item and 2kEC
3rd place: r70+ item and 1kEC
Participants: Uhh...500EC
(Sorry for the lame prizes, I hope I can get better ones in the future. At least you earn EC by feeding)

Happy feeding! ❤️

Pings: (sorry to disturb)

Ends 10/30/18

5,409 posts


Orderedchaos • 27 September 2018 at 4:11 PM

Your contest is missing an end date/condition. You have 24 hours to add an end date/condition or this topic will be closed.
