Sanctuary Roleplay (Open)

in Roleplaying

3,446 posts


chaoschild • 5 May 2019 at 12:31 PM

If there's a movie called "Sanctuary", this is not a roleplay for that. This is a roleplay where you can roleplay as any kind of mythical creature. Here are some examples, though you don't have to use these. You can be any mythical creature.


It starts when all the mythical creatures had lived in peace with the humans, then the humans, A daring group called the Secrets after Death (SAD) kills all the leaders of the mythicals at once. The mythicals are now vulnreable and are trying to find a safe place. None of the leaders had heirs except for the Angels, and that heir is very bad at anything related to respnsibility.

Keep it Pg-13
No copying other's characters
Maximum 5 characters
No killing another person's character unless you both agree on it
Use good grammar for the sake of us all! Use correct punctuation and no abbriviations!
No instantly knowing where someone is. At least look for the person for two posts
Have FUN.

Kind of mythical:
Appearence or link to image:

1,467 posts


robinn • 7 May 2019 at 6:07 PM

(I wanna join!)

Name: Kou
Age: 17
Gender: Male
Kind of mythical: Neko (Specifically Nekomata)
Personality: Mischievous, flirty, likes to play pranks.
Appearance: Tall, black hair, golden eyes (Human). Black fur, golden eyes, split tail (Cat)
Powers: Shapeshifting, fire manipulation
Fears/weaknesses: Water
Strengths: Quick reflexes, talented liar
Other: (I might add more later)

3,446 posts


chaoschild • 7 May 2019 at 8:29 PM

@summerglow4a welcome to the rp!

Name: Medea Abbadon
Age: 406
Gender: Female
Kind of mythical: Gorgon
Personality: Quiet, doesn't know what a human looks like when they're happy, defensive of her kind, extremely loyal, will not hesitate to turn an attacker to stone.
Appearence or link to image: Wears a blindfold so she doesn't accidentally turn someone to stone.
Powers: Can turn people to stone and turn them back to human by putting her tears on them.
Fears/weaknesses: Scared of turning someone she cares about to stone, Has an extreme temper, which makes her make impulsive decisions.
Strengths: her snake tail is incredibly powerful
Other: First name means cunning, Last name means Death

191 posts


kiiiiiler • 8 May 2019 at 12:48 PM

@wingedfox Can I join?

Name: Miki
Age: 8
Gender: Girl (I judge Girl and Female for Girl is young Female is old[er])
Kind of mythical: Neko
Personality: Hyper, LOVES to find her way around problems and prove other people WRONG
Appearence or link to image:

Powers: None (unless being super annoying counts)
Fears/weaknesses: Mice
Strengths: CAKE!

3,446 posts


chaoschild • 8 May 2019 at 2:01 PM

@nekogirl welcome to the RP!

Here's another of my characters.

Name: Machacha (Chacha)
Age: 14
Gender: Male
Kind of mythical: Faun
Personality: Playful, witty, energetic, Loves to annoy people, rarely serious, hates doing any kind of work
Appearence or link to image: 
Powers: Other than playing the pipes really well? Zilch.
Fears/weaknesses: Terrified of being cooped up in a tiny room
Strengths: Fast and agile

1,610 posts


shadowdragon28 • 8 May 2019 at 8:31 PM

Sounds interesting. Can I join?

Name: Sadi
Age: 15
Gender: female
Kind of mythical: demon
Personality: thinks demons are superior, manipulative, annoying, drama queen, fails to stay on track, slightly dumb academically, street smart
Appearence or link to image: Has golden dragon like horns, a furry black tail, black bat wings, red eyes, long nails, wears a tunic/robe
Powers: dark lightning
Fears/weaknesses: water, light, academics, losing, staying on track, scared of heights, hates loosing pitchfork or people commenting on it,
Strengths: strength, can fly but does not like too(scared of heights)
Other: carries around a rusty farmers pitchfork that she calls Nick

3,446 posts


chaoschild • 8 May 2019 at 8:44 PM

@shadowdragon28 Yes! I love that character, by the way.

1,327 posts


bgunny • 9 May 2019 at 10:11 AM

Can I join? I'll make a kitsune, angel, demon, and maybe something else if that's okay. I'll try to get my characters up later today or tomorrow. I might be busy today.

3,446 posts


chaoschild • 9 May 2019 at 2:38 PM

@bgunny Of course! It's still open.

1,327 posts


bgunny • 9 May 2019 at 4:20 PM

Okay! Here's my first character.

Name: Kristin Eloise Pierce
Nickname: Kris
Age: 15
Gender: Female
Kind of mythical: Kitsune

Hehe, sorry. I didn't mean to make you upset...Oh wait... I did.

Kristin loves to have fun. She likes to play tricks on people and won't regret it even if it makes them angry or sad. She can sometimes be annoying and a little too upbeat. Even so, people find that they can go to her when they need to laugh. She loves to make people laugh almost as much as she likes to play tricks on them. She is kind, for the most part, and is very friendly. She really loves to be around others, but she does have a tendency to push them away. She is most definitely not a girly-girl. She doesn't mind getting dirty. One time to annoy her younger sister, she found a dead frog and waved it in her sister's face. So yeah, she's not a girly-girl and don't go calling her one or you'll be the victim of her next prank. To the rare person she cares about, she would protect them with her life. She'd still play pranks on them, but it would make her really upset if it angered them. She likes to please those she cares about. Overall, Kristin is a very good-hearted person, just be careful not to get on the wrong side of her.

Appearance or link to image:
Kristin has short shoulder-length ginger hair. She has two fluffy fox ears sprouting out of her head. She has blue eyes that often have a mischievous twinkle to them. She normally has a smile that make people think she is up to something. She has two tails, as of now. She normally wears a white hoodie, no matter the weather. She is of an average height and weight.

Powers: Kitsune Physiology
Fears/weaknesses: She has a very strong fear of dogs. If one is nearby she will become paralyzed with fear. Negative emotions effect her, especially fear and sadness.
Strengths: She's fast, agile, and has good endurance.
Other: Her family died when she was 13. She doesn't talk about it much.

Name: Cecil Stellan Braun
Age: 160 (16 in human years)
Gender: Male
Kind of mythical: Elf

I can see the future and the past, but I can't see the present. Strange, huh?

Cecil is very calm and laid-back. He is a little clumsy for an elf, but that's not really his fault. Cecil is blind. He's been blind since he was six and gained his powers to see things that happened in the past and things that will happen in the future. He hasn't let it get the best of him though. He is still a very happy person. It's very rare to see him sad. He loves to give and help other people. He is very good in the medical field and he always makes sure to use his gifts to help others whenever he can. He is very understanding and is always there to talk to. He always knows are people are feeling because of his powers. He is very kind and friendly. It's really hard to not like Cecil or to trust him.

Appearance or link to image:
Cecil has light blonde hair. He has pointy ears. His eyes are a very light blue color. They seem very kind. He always has a calm smile on his face. He just has a really peaceful aura about him. He is of an average height and weight. He doesn't seem that strong.

He can see the future and the past. He can also sense how others are feeling. He was told once that he can change how people feel, but he has never attempted it yet.
Fears/weaknesses: He's blind and pretty defenseless. Doesn't know how to fight.
Strengths: His other senses are heightened. He is good at medical stuff.
Other: His first name literally means blind.

3,446 posts


chaoschild • 9 May 2019 at 4:53 PM

I like her already.


You ready to start? (It'll start with the news of the murders just reaching them.)

Medea sighed as she slithered to her home cave. She fingered the blindfold around her eyes and was painfully reminded why she lived there. She was Medusa's direct descendant and was a Gorgon just like her. She turned people to stone by looking at them. She shuddered as she sat on her stony bed and snapped off one of the stone pine needles. It had once been comfortable, then the blindfold had slipped at the time she'd woken up. Medea had long given up adding more needles. She heard a knock at the entrance of her cave and looked toward it. "Miss Abbadon? I came to deliver a message." A timid voice called. "The Gorgon queen is dead. So are the rest of the leaders but the humans."
"Thank you for the news," Medea called quietly. She heard the messenger withdraw from the doorway and laid back on her bed to ponder the message.

Machacha darted along the street between the huge houses of his home. He could hear the shouts of his pursuers behind him. He ducked into an alleyway and watched them pass, panting. Suddenly, a hand was on his shoulder and a voice said, "Tag! You're it, Chacha!"Another faun ran out into the sunlight and Machacha grinned.

1,610 posts


shadowdragon28 • 9 May 2019 at 8:06 PM

(thx, also I follow)
Sadi yawned. She was back from a long job and she was exhausted. "That was a long day, wasn't it, Nick?" Of course her trusty pitchfork was at her side. Suddenly, she heard a thumping by the opening of the entrance to her cave. Narrowing her eyes, she walked to the door and opened it only to see.... "Ahhh!" she shrieked and stumbled back. The delivery spirit in front of her stifled a laugh, and Sadi shot a glare in return. "You almost gave me a heart attack!" The spirit sighed and cleared his throat while lifting up a scroll. "For Sadi of the demon empire." Oh shoot were her employers mad again. She hadn't even stopped on the way from the human realm to grab a donut. Sadi warily took the scroll and the spirit left. To Miss Sadi, the scroll read, The Demon queen is now dead. We have evidence that the human group Secrets After Death has done the deed. The rest of the leaders excluding humans and angels are also gone. Your orders are to stay down until farther directions." Sadi's eyes widened. "Those filthy humans," she hissed, "we'll make them pay Nick."

(Also can I create a new character?)
Name: Mei
Age: 16
Gender: female
Kind of mythical: Lycanthrope(werewolf)
Personality: loves to hoard things, likes stealing things, likes to chase and bite things, likes playing games, loyal, acts like a dog, will do anything for food, slightly sarcastic
Appearance or link to image: black wolf ears and tails in human form(usually tucks tail in pants and wears a hat to conceal), yellow eyes, usually wears sport clothing, black fur in wolf form, slight fangs
Powers: shapeshifting
Fears/weaknesses: silver, holy water, exorcisms, scared of fire, scared of loud noises(ex.thunder)
Strengths: strength, faster regeneration
Other: obsessed with chew toys, acts like a dog

1,478 posts


arcana • 9 May 2019 at 9:48 PM

Hi! Sorry if this is closed now, but if not, I'd like to try the role-playing in Eggcave! I'm new to this aspect, and I'm sorry if I do something wrong. Anyway, my character is below. ^-^
Name: Uaine Nefnyn
Gender: Female
Kind of Mythical: Selkie
Personality: Uaine is introverted, emotional, and doesn't understand the "earthen world". When she isn't traumatized, which she's about to be, she is cheerful and peppy to the people she knows. When she is traumatized and away from her friends, she gets to being moody and un-trusting. Has slight anxiety and this can usually be controlled.
Appearance: As a Selkie, she can change from seal to human by wearing her seal pelt.
Her seal form looks like this:
Her human form looks like a short slim girl that has medium length brown hair. She has brown eyes and often wears a light brown dress(her seal pelt).
Powers: Shape-shifting(can only be done with her pelt), water manipulation
Strengths: Has decent education of the underwater world, can hold her breath for abnormally long periods of time, super fast swimmer,
Weakness/Fears: Fire, being dry, losing someone she cares about, losing her pelt, sharks, most creatures that live on land, getting stuck in on of her forms, has anxiety, knows nothing about the "earthen world" or any other world beside her own.
Other: Her name means Icicle Droplet in Scottish Gaelic and Welsh respectively, her father is a general in the Selkie army, and she is currently undergoing her trial of the unknown.

3,446 posts


chaoschild • 10 May 2019 at 11:50 AM

@arcana it's still open! Welcome to the roleplay!

1,327 posts


bgunny • 10 May 2019 at 4:41 PM

(wingedfox, I made another character and put him on Kristin's post. I'm going to make two more later.)
(Shadowdragon, Yes! You made the best werewolf ever! Kristin is really excited about that! 😉 )

I stand in an alleyway grinning at my handiwork. Two kitsune's were arguing in front of their house. "Where did you put the keys!" a female kitsune shrieks. "I told you, I put in on the top stair. I just had to go grab something. It wasn't left alone for more than a minute," a male replies. I grin some more and wave a pair of keys in front of my face. I wonder if these were the ones they were looking for? Probably not. I focus on the man's hand and create an illusion. It was a pair of keys. "There they are! They were right in your hand! How dumb are you?" The female kitsune reaches out to grab the keys. Her hand passes right through them. She looks at up her husband with a look that could scare dogs away. "What are you doing making illusions right now? You thought you could trick me? I'm not dumb," she says. I place a hand over my mouth to keep from laughing. "I didn't do anything," the husband replies. I quickly make the illusion go away before he looks down at his hand. He sees nothing. "I don't see any keys." I was having an extreme amount of trouble not laughing. "Kris?" I whirl around and see a young kitsune. "What's wrong? I'm in the middle of something," I whisper. "I have news. Our leader is dead," she says. I stare at her in shock. "No, that can't be right. You're wrong. My teacher can't be dead," I say. I try so hard to keep my sadness out. The leader had been teaching me how to use my powers. When my family had died, I hadn't had anyone to control me or to teach me how to use my powers. I was arrested one time and taken to the leader. He decided it would be better just to teach me. I'd grown close to him. I glance at the keys in my hand and throw them behind me. "Ouch!" comes the voice of the female kitsune. "I'm going to find out if your lying and if you are, you're going to regret it," I hiss. I glance over at the kitsunes and see them staring at the allyway. "Oh, you might want to get out of here," I say. I shift into my fox form and rush away.

(I hope that's okay if the leader of the kitsunes is Kristin's teacher. She isn't his heir or anything. He just taught her about her powers, not how to rule. If it's not okay, I can change it.)

1,610 posts


shadowdragon28 • 10 May 2019 at 4:48 PM

(Thx, lol. Kristin is a really great character. Tbh I did get the dog idea from reading Kristin's profile. 😊 )
Mei woke up to the sound of knocking on her house door. "Wait a sec." she grumbled as she straightened out her pajamas and walked to the door. Who could be knocking so early? She opened the door, only to see a messenger. "Geez, leave the mail outside." She moved to close the door. "Wait, the queen of the werewolves is dead." "Alright come back later," Mei said as she closed the door. Wait a minute... She opened the door again. "Wait, what did you just say?!"

1,467 posts


robinn • 10 May 2019 at 5:04 PM

Kou opens his mailbox and finds a letter. The sirens blaring outside told him the contents of the letter before he even opened it. So, they're dead now. He smiles to himself. Things might get a little interesting around here now...

1,478 posts


arcana • 10 May 2019 at 11:35 PM

(Uaine is in her human form underwater)Uaine yawned and noticed a small crab gently nudging her with his claw. Taking a deep breath from her shell inhaler, she cheerfully readied the items in her cave, placing them in a kelp bag.(To make this convienent, can we say that Selkies in any form can hold thier breath for about 10 hours, depending on their conditions?Also the shell inhaler basically filters air. Most Selkies hang them on their necks in any form. Please tell me if you want me to change anything!) After she finished cleaning, she turned to the patient crab. Uaine reached for the parchment and unfolded it. Digging around in her bag, she placed a small shrimp on the sand for the crab. Absent-mindedly glancing at the letter, she paused on a section. Reading it with her full attention, a tear escaped her eyes and blended with the ocean waters. The letter contained the following:
Dear Uaine Nefnyn,
As part of the remaining Selkie government, I regret to inform you that our leaders are dead. However, this is not the end to this tragedy. It breaks my heart to tell you this, but your father is dead. He was a noble Selkie and will be honored for his sacrifice. We are investigating this matter, and we have confirmed that it was orchestrated by humans. I advise you to continue your trial and be wary.
My condolences,
Celipe Sruth
Uaine stuffed the letter in her bag with a trembling hand and quickly changed form, speeding off into the deep.

1,428 posts


asrieldreemurr • 11 May 2019 at 10:22 AM

I'm so sorry if I'm not allowed to join.

My character:
Name: Willow
Age: 14
Gender: Female
Kind of mythical: Kitsune

Um....hi? I'm sorry, I'm being stupid again......

Shy, smart, loves painting and writing, can get extremely depressed at times, plans too much, independent, introverted, cool and calm
Appearence or link to image: She has two long black fox ears, black tinted with dark red long hair, two tails(black), a gray sweater or hoodie, black pants, and brownish-black boots. Pale skin and red eyes.
Fox Form: Black, gray and dark red streaks here and there
Powers: Shape-shifting, can and will use powerful spell with a book
Fears/weaknesses: Making someone feel sad, angry, etc. Fears failure and disappointment
Strengths: wields two daggers. She can change with material the daggers are made out of. She is swift and will find out most of the weak points her opponent has. Anything that is left on the blade will fade. Her hearing is extremely good
Other: Has been by herself for as far as she can remember.

Edit: Forgot something, she has a silver crescent moon pendent that heals when glowing.....And that's sometimes

Willow gripped her daggers and changed them to steel. Humans. The news of the dead leaders had already reached her ears. She heard footsteps. She changed herself to look like the wall next to her and jabs a dagger in the air. It hit. She stepped quietly backwards, shifted into her fox form and ran. A while later, Willow stopped, panting. She looks up and sees another of her kind rushing towards her, not actually looking.

(Is it okay, if Willow and Kristen meet?)

1,327 posts


bgunny • 11 May 2019 at 10:33 AM

(Thank you! When I was making her I was thinking, please, somebody make a dog like creature. I'm glad you did. It's gonna be fun when they meet... 😊 )

Name: Angela Blossom Skye
Age: 198 (stopped aging at 16)
Gender: Female
Kind of mythical: Angel

It hurts so much to lose someone you care about. It makes it so much harder to keep smiling.

Angela is very kind and friendly. She can be a little shy at times, but she warms up quickly. She is gullible and trusts others a little to easily. She always tries to see the good in people, even in bad people. She believes that everyone has good in them. Some people just need help finding it. She hates to hurt others. I mean, she'd cry if she hurt a fly. She doesn't want to hurt people mentally either. She won't say anything bad about people even if they deserve it. She wouldn't even defend herself if she was being bullied. It would hurt her too, she's really sensitive, but she wouldn't say a word. She'd just stare at the bully until they're done. She seems to notice things about the world that most people wouldn't. She's very attentive. The people she cares about know that they can go to her if they need to be cheered up. She always will listen to whatever they need to talk about. She's not always the best at giving advice, but she's always there and that makes people feel better. Angela loves being out in nature. She'll go out and explore rain or shine.

Right now, Angela is going through something. Her best friend, Azrael was killed protecting her. She is very sad and can't believe it. It has made her unsociable. She coops herself away from everyone. The only emotion she seems to feel is a heart-wrenching sadness.

Appearance or link to image:
Powers: Light manipulation. She can also heal.
Fears/weaknesses: She's scared of losing people she cares about. She hates to fight and hurt people. She is weak to dark attacks. Being around darkness does not weaken her, but being hit by it does.
Strengths: She can fly for long periods of time. She is athletic.
Other: Yes, I know. I'm so creative naming an angel Angela, but doesn't she look like an Angela? She keeps a special necklace with her that was a gift from Azrael. It's pendant glows.

Name: Azrael Daemon Gerran
Age: 200 (stopped aging at 17)
Gender: Male
Kind of mythical: Demon

You don't have to be an angel to be a guardian.

Azrael is very protective of those he cares about, namely Angela. He found Angela when they were both young. He was 10 and she was 8. His parents had disowned him and Angela's had died. Angela was being picked on by bullies and he had defended her. They took care of each other after that. He vowed to always protect her no matter what. He is brave and always tries to face his fears. He is a very good leader. He always seems to know what to do and Angela knows that she can count on him. He is very kind and loves to make Angela smile. To those he doesn't care about, basically everyone else, He is untrusting and cold. It takes a lot for him to trust. He is always watching people and taking note of their characteristics, especially their flaws. He is very, very reserved. He is definitely not someone you want to go to if you need an instant friend, but if you are a rare person who befriends him, you'll have a good and trustworthy friend.

Appearance or link to image:
Powers: Dark manipulation
Fears/weaknesses: He's scared something will happen to Angela. He would do whatever he needed to do to protect her. He is weak to light attacks. Being near light does not weaken him, but being hit by it does.
Strengths: He is good at fighting. He can fly for long periods of time and is athletic.
Other: His middle and last name mean guardian.

(Sure! Kristin and Willow can meet.)

1,610 posts


shadowdragon28 • 11 May 2019 at 1:50 PM

(I know, I'm looking forward to when they meet)
Sadi groaned. She was stuck on undercover duty, and was currently wearing a trench coat, contacts, and a hat to obscure her demon features in the middle of Lava Season(summer in demon). She moved through the market, looking at the insignificant humans. "E-excuse me?" She looked down at a human boy that walked up to her. "The farmers market is over there." The boy was trembling. "Farmer? What is a farmer? What do you mean over there?" The boy pointed at Nick. "Nick? How dare you say Nick is a farmer's tool. Nick is far superior than you, much less that human tool." Suddenly, she felt someone clasp onto her arm. "Sorry, my friend always attracts trouble," a young girl said. She proceeded to try to lug Sadi away. "Excuse me, but who are y-" "Bye, gotta go," the girl exclaimed as she dragged Sadi away.

Mei sighed. Today was not going well. Not only did she receive news that her Alpha died, she also had to deal with a snotty demon. "Who are you?" the demon demanded. "I know you aren't human." Mei slid off her cap. "Werewolf." "And why did a mutt like you drag the great demon Sadi out," the girl said snottily. " "Geez, I just saved you," Mei replied, "you need to learn how to blend in. And I'm guessing you're looking for a select group of humans?" The demon's gaze hardened. "None of you business dog. And why do you want to know?" Mei sighed again. "I want to come along and pay back the humans for what they've done."

1,327 posts


bgunny • 11 May 2019 at 8:21 PM

I run until I see another kitsune in front of me. I stop just before knocking into them. "Hey! I wasn't watching where I was going, so you were supposed to be!" I say. I glance over at the leader's house. I was almost there and I didn't want to be stopped by any distractions, but I couldn't resist to pause and say that line.

1,428 posts


asrieldreemurr • 11 May 2019 at 8:27 PM

I see her glancing at the leader's house. "He's dead," I say to her. "And humans are near," I hear footsteps. "Hide!" I change to look like the wall.

1,610 posts


shadowdragon28 • 11 May 2019 at 9:49 PM

Sadi walked with the other girl to where she thought the human base was. "I can't believe I let you tag along." But Mei wasn't paying attention. "SQUIRREL!" She dropped down on all fours, and right then and there, Sadi witnessed her first shift. The change was quick, and where Mei once was, there was a energetic, panting, black wolf. The wolf started chasing after the squirrel. "And she says I should blend in," Sadi grumbled as she ran after Mei.

Mei ran after the bobbing tail of a squirrel, tongue out in the breeze. She was getting closer, and could hear excited barks slipping out, until. Human. The scent of human and she skidded to a stop.
(Is it fine that Mei and Sadi meet up with Kristin and Willow?)

1,428 posts


asrieldreemurr • 11 May 2019 at 9:54 PM

@shadowdragon28 (Yep)

1,467 posts


robinn • 11 May 2019 at 10:02 PM

Now that the leaders were dead, the humans had to pay. Kou hops along the rooftops making his toward the human base. He thought he could hear voices below.
(Can Kou meet up with Mei and Sadi?)

1,428 posts


asrieldreemurr • 11 May 2019 at 10:51 PM

@summerglow4a (Sure, as long as the others agree)

1,610 posts


shadowdragon28 • 12 May 2019 at 12:28 AM

(Yeah 😊 )
Mei sniffed the air. It smelled like another creature was approaching. She tried to sniff again but the wind shifted so that she was upwind. "Don't freak out, but I think there's someone near us." The demon shrugged. "So?" Mei sighed. "The creature is not human."

1,428 posts


asrieldreemurr • 12 May 2019 at 12:32 AM

I roll my eyes and grab Kristen's arm. I pause for a second, surprised at the warmth from my kind. I start running.

1,467 posts


robinn • 12 May 2019 at 12:58 AM

"Where are you two lovely ladies headed?" Kou calls from the rooftop. He jumps down and lands on his feet. "You should stay indoors, it's not that safe out."
