should I open an art shop? Would anyone actually buy anything?

in Chit-Chat

2,525 posts


dragrawr • 26 April 2019 at 12:52 AM

Should I open an art shop... and, would any one actually buy stuff? It would be mainly CC...?

1,558 posts


dragonii • 1 May 2019 at 6:52 AM

@dragrawr I would say go for it and see what happens? but for anyone to come it really depends on the art style and how persistent you are at getting the commissions done. 😱

1,428 posts


asrieldreemurr • 12 May 2019 at 12:08 AM

@dragrawr Maybe? Depends on the art style

Cis Female
604 posts


kataclysm • 1 June 2019 at 9:57 AM

Well, when it comes to things like this, I find you have to think to yourself 'What's the worst that could happen?'. So what if no one buys anything, you've just gained experience in setting up a shop.
You could probably generate interest and gain extra experience by offering freebies periodically too, if that was something you were interested in ❤️

9 posts


musher_girl_1 • 15 June 2019 at 4:00 PM

What would you pricing be like? I might be interested
