I am very confused about these Please read and help me understand

in General

Deleted • 27 December 2018 at 11:45 PM

So I know some people like myself buys star Potion for their creatures that cost 100cc.

I know some people that buy frozen potion like I do that cost 200cc

But with the Cc value they charge the cost and extra for the frozen potion. whatever the cc creature is plus 200cc.

But when they go sale their star creature that cost 100cc why can't I sell it for that price. I don't understand. how you can do frozen but not the star one!

shouldn't matter which creature you put star or frozen potion on. it still cost you cc.

2,915 posts


mairbear • 28 December 2018 at 12:05 AM


Well values are subjective so take everything I say with a grain of salt but here's my thoughts on this:

For anything that came out of the cave (i.e. commons or cave monthlies), there's a chance for it to be starred so those may not have been starred with CC. Conversely, freezes 100% need to be from the cash shop.

Additionally, freezes serve an actual purpose whereas stars are purely cosmetic. Plus, they kind of mess up a creature's stats which some people, like myself, don't really like. I don't mind stars on creatures that evolve with views, but for those with clicks or feeds... I hate it 😋

But to be honest, this used to matter more when stages and stars could not be reversed, but I think now stars and freezes matter little overall, especially for creatures that are worth more because you can now unstar, unfreeze, rebirth, etc as you wish.

Deleted • 28 December 2018 at 12:08 AM

@mairbear so if it from the cave and it has a star on it won't be worth anything but if you put a star on retired or any other it will count?

4,622 posts


mastergemma • 28 December 2018 at 1:57 AM


Cave star creatures vary in price a lot. I've seen them go from 10,000 to 300,000, depending on the species.

If it was on a creature that could only be purchased by using CC then it can affect the resale price. I say can as like mairbear said, some users don't like stars and don't care if it is there or not.

If it was on a retired cave creature then it may affect the price. It would be up to the seller and buyer to discuss it.

Deleted • 28 December 2018 at 8:29 AM

Thank you but why do they charge the frozen fee? I don't understand that? I get frozen creature i need the cc to unfreeze it. I can't if i give them the cc

1,105 posts


icesparkle22 • 28 December 2018 at 10:56 AM

i think it's because in some creatures, some stages are a more popular than others. players sometimes charge a frozen fee because if the user getting the creatures wanted that stage, it would have "saved" them 200cc. So basically, you are paying for a freeze on a creature but the money goes to the trader, not the cash shop.

Deleted • 28 December 2018 at 11:41 AM

@icesparkle22. I don't have cc to unfreeze it

1,105 posts


icesparkle22 • 28 December 2018 at 11:42 AM

unfortunately, that may happen sometimes so if you're planning on unfreezing a creature, try offering creatures or ec in place of cc for the freeze cost.
