Can any current shop item be needed for a quest?

in Help & Questions

16 posts


shawnasse • 9 November 2018 at 8:13 PM

Like say I buy pretty much every item I see so I can have at least 1 of them for when I need it in a quest (or when someone else needs it) will that be productive? As I see a lot of items priced for way more in user shops so it's not worth it as much to buy off of them if I can just grab it when I see it and hope its needed for a quest.
Or is there a specific list of items that are used for quests?
( I read somewhere that no retired or past holiday items are used in quests )
Also im assuming and hoping that CaveCash shop items arent used in quests either lol
Also I dont think items in the Bean Shack are used for any quests yet?

4,845 posts


newlife • 9 November 2018 at 8:40 PM


For items used, it's any that is still in circulation and not retired, and is not a CaveCash item (ie vouchers or travels)

If you buy up literally all the shops, you'll probably get your money back if you toss them all in a shop for more than what you bought them for. I usually just buy out a shop and put stuff into my own shop for a fixed price, and just slowly make my money back as people buy my stuff up.

Bean Sack doesn't have any quests regarding its stock at the moment, but I am guessing that one will be added sooner or later seeing that we just recently got 2 more.

16 posts


shawnasse • 9 November 2018 at 8:44 PM

@newlife thank you!
Yeah I bought up a buncha stuff yesterday and put it in my shop, no buyers yet so im assuming it takes a while sometimes for people to need items, ill just try buying multiples of everything and keep one or two for quests then put the others in my shop if others need to buy them and eventually i'll see the EC again lol
I just realized that there's 2 " background " shops, one for travels and the other one for like accessory backgrounds? I thought I was going crazy at first cuz I kept seeing backgrounds when I was going through shops lol

4,845 posts


newlife • 9 November 2018 at 8:47 PM


It does take awhile, I usually stick to selling books mostly, but I might switch to the general store since it's one of the shops that the new quests focus on.

One is for travels, the other is for Trinkets. Trinkets are usually meant for whatever creature and stage it applies to, but a lot of people have found mixing and matching works fine with other creatures as well.
