Looking for Items

in Trading & Auctions

1,186 posts


lbowe_elbow • 17 August 2018 at 1:41 PM

Hello Everyone!
I am very close to done with my item collection for General Foods, Toy Shop, and Finley's flavors. Can you help me find the rest of these items? I am willing to pay 50cc for retired items, and 10,000 ec for non-retired items -- will negotiate if necessary. (:

Finley's Flavors

Bessy Ice Cream Cone
Chocolate Cookie Dough Ice Cream Cup
Chunky Chocolate Peanut Butter Ice Cream Cone
Ice Cream Lava Orange And Chocolate Chip Sorbet
Ice Cream Lava Orange And Vanilla Sorbet
Neapolitan Ice Cream Eggs
Peanut Butter Bacon Ice Cream Cup
Strawberry Christmas Ice Cream

General Foods Shop

Green Love-Enchanted Apple
Red Love-Enchanted Apple
Yellow Love-Enchanted Apple

Toy Shop

Bouncy Red Eye Toy
Red Pahoehoe Plushie
