Add creatures at Click Exchange

in Problems & Bugs

2 posts


riderofdragons • 27 April 2018 at 1:21 AM

I try to add creatures to the Click Exchange but I can't select any creatures.
Everytime when I click on Manage Creatures and than on Add Creatures there are just the fields Prefers and Maximum clicks before deletion.
Can anyone help me please ?

812 posts


totallynotjoey • 27 April 2018 at 2:34 AM

Something similar happened to me when I tried to make or offer on trades. I was on a really old iPad so I sent a ticket to the staff and Ian told me that it was probably because my device couldn't display any images due to the fact that it was that old (iPad air or smth XD)
Hope I helped 😸

2 posts


riderofdragons • 27 April 2018 at 9:01 AM

Thanks 😊
