Qaswa the Gamaeso

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26 Mar 2016
Name Origin:
The camel Qaswa, possibly meaning "Split-Ears", was one of several animals that Muhammad rode. It is said that Qaswa was instigated by Allah that where ever she would dismount by herself there Masjid an-Nabawi (The mosque of Medina) shall be built. Qaswa lived with him for 11 years. On the death of the Prophet, Qaswa cried and remained sad until her own death.

About Gamaeso Eggs

Gamaeso eggs need to be kept buried in hot sand in order for them to incubate properly. If the egg becomes to cold the Gamaeso will die.

About the Gamaeso Creature

Young Gamaeso are very skittish and shy creatures. When a young Gamaeso hears someone approach it hides itself under something, usually sand but things like leaf piles and pillows are not unheard of. Gamaesos begin to outgrow this shyness after about a year. By the time a Gamaeso becomes an adult it has shed its shyness completely and become very outgoing.

Adult Gamaesos are actually very graceful and move with almost dance-like movements. Even though they share their cousin, the Lemac's, ability to travel long distances without tiring many use Gamaeso for more decorative purposes, like parades.