
We will not be held responsible should you find yourself turning into an undead during your stay here. 25 May 2017, 10:29 PM

25 May 2017
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A civilian? Here? Do you know where you are? Nandomodok is a tier where only the bloodthirsty, the wretched, or the insane voluntarily goes to. At least you will be safe enough here - although I'd still warn you to be on your guard - because the Military Quadrant is easily the most heavily defended area in this wretched place. With all the soldiers here constantly training for war, they can cover you when the undead periodically attack. Spies and magic users also train here for their roles in the great war against other coves, so you have plenty of protectors here, even if they don't sign up for the role, haha.

What, undead? Oh yes, there are plenty of them here. What do you expect? There is a portal in the Despairing Darkness that leads to Thanatos, the undead lands located deep under Gibbymodok. While the ruler Xandervon and the Dark Queen have a truce for now, the undead still show up through the portal to cause trouble. And since that mysterious asteroid crashed here a while back, we also hear reports of alien creatures lurking in the dark tunnels to ambush and eat unsuspecting fools like you.

What's that? Oh, get used to the sound of battle and screams. It's always a party as there are always violent skirmishes and people getting hurt out there. I'd stay here within the armed perimeters and don't go out if I were you.

Unless you want to seek out some of those harebrained mystics that decided to make their home here to avoid being bothered, I suppose. But don't hope for reinforcement - the military has no one to spare, and no mercenary will want to step foot here.

All that danger is bad news to the workers in the mines that dot this place, but hey, that's why we have the military here too. Between guarding the mines and training and actually going to war, they have very little downtime indeed.

If you know what is good for you, leave quickly to safer parts of Gibbymodok such as @mrsgiggles @gibbymodok @chibimodok!

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