
If I don’t respond about a trade (everything is UFT) then you can reach me on my main, @bluestar1313 <3 1 Mar 2019, 3:06 PM

1 May 2016
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1 week ago



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Side account of @bluestar1313

Everything here is UFT!!!

The prices listed are pretty much all from Budgie's Creature Pricing Guide, and I'm totally happy to negotiate. 😊

Aal - 250k ec
Arcweom - 150 cc
Arkchie - 50k ec
Aska - 420k ec
Asteran - 200k ec
Baphet - 95k ec
Blykur - 60k ec
Boarage - 150k ec
Bruxa - 40k ec
Bubblefish - 70k ec
Bushy - 70k ec
Capyre - 50 cc
Cerberus - 70k ec
Chimmy - 150 cc
Chinchilly - 150 cc
Chirpish - 45k ec
Cihikob - 60k ec
Citroan - 70k ec
Clast - 650k ec
Clickroach - 350k ec
Clowver - 65k ec
Coararch - 200k ec
Cobranch - 550k ec
Coinster - 200k ec
Compewt - 100cc
Coreoli - 100k ec
Corunis -250 cc
Cozi - 150k ec
Crypto - 350k ec
Daisypus - 75k ec
Dalahart - 250k ec
Diminuaith - 50k ec
Dinni - 60k ec
Dragfer - 20k ec
Dropalla - 45k ec
Eirephant -250k ec
Eleton -250 cc
Erduri - 150 cc
Fairtop - 100 cc
Felichine - 85k ec
Finti - 250 cc
Flagrafly - 250k ec
Flamustela - 80k ec
Florette - 45k ec
Floss - 85k ec
Foka - 140k ec
Froplet - 100k ec
Gansokoro - 150k ec
Garast - 100k ec
Gerat - 100 cc
Gilyon - 250k ec
Giramint - 65k ec
Glimmerkin - 450k ec
Globear - 100k ec
Goldshard - 55k ec
Goryl - 55k ec
Grimalkin - 65k ec
Grisal - 250 cc
Harpette - 30k ec
Haunlupe -175k ec
Hermicone - 65k ec
Hoddel - 40k ec
Horrorse - 200 cc
Icestrom - 50k ec
Innu - 280k ec
Jarohal - 65k ec
Jubaleen - 150k ec
Junglee - 250k ec
Kasaii - 300k ec
Kernell - 300k ec
Krampus - 450k ec
Kujak - 5k ec
Kyaondi - 450k ec
Kyootie - 350k ec
Leep - 150k ec
Luckmooe - 300k ec
Luminese - 100cc
Lumisage - 250k ec
Mefisto - 250k ec
Mo - 20k ec
Mossoroo - 110k ec
Mothman - 50k ec
Mournstrom - 250k ec
Naharian - 300k ec
Nathare - 250k ec
Nellin - 250k ec
Nulli - 100 cc
Nyanka - 375k ec
Nyankh - 400k ec
Odraz - 300k ec
Onnekas - 100k ec
Pakaceros - 100k ec
Pebblove - 150 cc
Pekkin - 200k ec
Pintura - 135k ec
Piraneer - 100k ec
Postork - 100k ec
Pumkit - 100k ec
Qamarat - 250k ec
Quadwing - 250k ec
Renbogi - 200k ec
Rhoull - 300k ec
Rix - 250k ec
Seleni - 75k ec
Shengxiao - 100k ec
Snainle - 250k ec
Snowby - 250k ec
Succutelent - 220k ec
Suiina - 250k ec
Swanice - 100k ec
Tamsi -100 cc
Tokaroz - 75k ec
Tortell - 75k ec
Trigren - 100 cc
Unusith - 200 cc
Ursoto -250k ec
Vaccin - 200 cc
Vanmand - 250k ec
Venafera - 265k ec
Vitta - 250k ec
Volcondor - 95k ec
Whirlz - 100k ec
Wregeon - 100k ec
Yarayaho - 50k ec
Yastara - 100k ec
Yverosa -100k ec

Creatures (197)


miraeggs • 8 Feb 2021, 9:10 AM

Offered. Thanks 😊

miraeggs • 6 Feb 2021, 3:58 PM

Of course, you can set the trade. 😊 *I'd like both female *

miraeggs • 2 Feb 2021, 12:42 PM

Hello, I'd like to buy the nellin. 😊 Also, I'm interested in the Qamarat, but if you're willing to accept around 150-180k 😊 Let me know, thanks! 😸

staceyswag • 24 Jan 2021, 3:31 PM

offered on the Innu 😊

staceyswag • 22 Jan 2021, 10:24 PM

thanks so much! 😊

izziebee1017 • 17 Jan 2021, 4:33 PM

I actually just bid on an auction with a Coarach, so if I win it, I won't need another one. It ends in about 2 days, so I'll let you know how it goes! πŸ˜ƒ

staceyswag • 16 Jan 2021, 3:54 PM

Thank you 😸

staceyswag • 16 Jan 2021, 1:48 PM

I think I’ll hold off on the Luminese for now. Could I buy your Felichine? Also, would you accept 150k for your Rix? 😊

smailly • 16 Jan 2021, 2:46 AM

Just offered, thanks again! 😸
Have a lovely day/ night ❀️

smailly • 15 Jan 2021, 3:06 PM

That’s alright, I’ll just get the Nulli then. Just poke me when you set up the lot, thank you ❀️

sonny • 15 Jan 2021, 1:28 PM

thank you! i offered 😊

burrito13 • 15 Jan 2021, 12:34 PM

All of them possibly?

sonny • 14 Jan 2021, 6:57 PM

hi! can i buy ur evolved chirpish forrr 40k ec? or if you want any of my creatures for trade thatd work too 😊

staceyswag • 28 Dec 2020, 5:52 PM

That's alright! Would you be able to notify me if you ever have an Impkin for sale? Also would you happen to be interested in purchasing any names, by chance? No worries if not. 😊

noah • 28 Dec 2020, 3:00 AM

Thank you!

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