Wall: immortal-beckah-lula

momokie • 1 May 2016, 6:08 PM

Okay cool! Set up the lot because I have some transferring to do lol

dream-within-a-dream • 1 May 2016, 6:05 PM

Would you be interested in a Foo egg frozen for your Diment + Greem? 😃 ❤️ Amazing cove btw! ❤️

momokie • 1 May 2016, 6:01 PM

I can do: 1k cc for just the Feep OR if you add a female gorri I can offer 1,500 CC OR 500 cc for the Gorri and the Eroche for Feep

momokie • 1 May 2016, 4:37 PM

1k cc possibly? 1.5k If you can add a female Gorri from your trading account?Or 500 for the gorri and the Eroche?

maineen • 1 May 2016, 3:26 PM

Thank you too 😊 Could you make a trade with the gorri please (female if possible)? I'll offer from my storage account 😊

maineen • 1 May 2016, 3:20 PM

Sure, if that's what you would like 😊

maineen • 1 May 2016, 3:19 PM

ah minus the dragfer 😋 the kyaondi instead then?

maineen • 1 May 2016, 3:09 PM

sure 😃 which recent ones would you be looking for?

maineen • 1 May 2016, 2:16 PM

I also have cc uft if you're looking for some to resurrect your creatures 😊

maineen • 1 May 2016, 2:15 PM

Your gorri from your trading side definitely interests me, the golosina, chamillion or deton if not the gorri, so either of those maybe? 😱

maineen • 1 May 2016, 2:05 PM

-the others then? that's fine haha 😋

maineen • 1 May 2016, 2:00 PM

-for your uft gorri, alarune and/or dianesia on your side account? if not sorry to bother you.

maineen • 1 May 2016, 1:59 PM

Hiya, I just posted on your main account but I see that you're online here, I was wondering if anything @gift interests you-

inhabitant • 1 May 2016, 1:51 PM

It's alright ^-^ I have no one to put that name onto yet XD

momokie • 1 May 2016, 1:51 PM

Would you take CC? Or list anything you like here or at @Proud for the feep? ♡

inhabitant • 1 May 2016, 1:48 PM

-love the name back if you don't like it on him ^-^ I named the gorri Dreamed haha ^-^ thanks again

inhabitant • 1 May 2016, 1:47 PM

I was supposed to change the name haha but I believed that it suited him better ^-^ If you ever plan in changing his name, tell me, I'd-

momokie • 1 May 2016, 1:42 PM

Hulae, Duckbeak, or Feep UFT? ♡ I have things @Proud to trade c:

prairie • 1 May 2016, 1:40 PM

what would you be seeking??😊

inhabitant • 1 May 2016, 1:35 PM

I understand haha that's on my WL too ^-^ I have a Brownil but it's in last stage XD

prairie • 1 May 2016, 1:23 PM

be UFT?? Sorry to take your time if not. 😋 ❤️

inhabitant • 1 May 2016, 1:23 PM

Thanks for the trade ^-^ have fun with the Aerlo, for your osi that's UFT, is there anything in particular that you're looking for? ^-^

prairie • 1 May 2016, 1:22 PM

greem, yuki, flaren, rousle, miros, gorri, parlock, foglin, pandi, goldox, keekee, staga, onabi, feep, volar, rhine, ambrok bunt hoff or roo

prairie • 1 May 2016, 1:20 PM

I doubt they would be being they have travels, but might your Rie, ragon, biwo, dabbit, strawbearry, diment, olimpt, deton, osi, goblar, -

inhabitant • 1 May 2016, 1:17 PM

Male Aerlo ^-^ sorry but my Pachuma isn't for trade... Only the ones in my TC are ^-^ and a last stage Brownil

inhabitant • 1 May 2016, 1:04 PM

Do you want a male or female Aerlo? I'm going to make the lot now ^-^ interested in anyone else in my cove? ^-^

inhabitant • 1 May 2016, 12:54 PM

I have no cc to revive... Uhm would you be willing to trade your osi or gorri? ^-^

inhabitant • 1 May 2016, 12:46 PM

Among the ones in the TC, I'm interested in the Ragon but that would be unfair for you, do you have anyone on my WL UFT? ^-^

inhabitant • 1 May 2016, 12:37 PM

-might you be interested? ^-^ sorry to bother if not ^-^

inhabitant • 1 May 2016, 12:37 PM

-might you be interested? ^-^ sorry to bother if not ^-^