
“As the ax bites into the wood, be comforted in the fact that the ache in your heart and the confusion in your soul means that you are still alive, still human, and still open to the beauty of the world, even though you have done nothing to deserve it.” 18 Dec 2017, 4:25 AM

18 December 2017
Last Seen




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Looking for a "Celehrio" in the Cash Shop.


A collection of stirring phrases.

"In our village, folks say God crumbles up the old moon into stars." ~ One Day in the Life of Ivan Denisovich

"Sometimes I can feel my bones straining under the weight of all the lives I'm not living." ~ Extremely loud and incredibly close

"It might be that to surrender to happiness was to accept defeat, but it was a defeat better than many victories." ~ Of Human Bondage

"I have spread my dreams under your feet; Tread softly because you tread on my dreams" ~ Aedh Wishes for the Cloths of Heaven

“Sea and sky were a single ash-gray thing and the sands of the beach, which on March nights glimmered like powdered light, had become a stew of mud and rotten shellfish.” ~ /book unknown/

“In any case, at a certain point as she wandered out among the galaxies, among the whirling particles and ineffable numbers, something leaked in her mind, smudging the text of the cosmos, and she was lost.” ~ /book unknown/


Some of the most enticing books: (Adding one per day)

~ The Fault in Our Stars - My current read. I've read this before, but it is truly stunning. There are no words to describe the works of John Green.

~ Utopia - It was a tad long. This summary was a tad short.

~ The Giving Tree - I read this one when I was younger, and recently, as well, and now that I have truly grasped the meaning of it, I...shamelessly... cried. No, I wasn't crying, it was hay fever, as Tracy Beaker in my brother's book would have said.

~Pride and Prejudice - It got me thinking. Those are one of those powerful classic books that I love.

Credits to the Ecode guide for this profile's formatting.
Some elements used from a website called Fsymbols,
Thanks to all of those who took the time to read my profile, I really appreciate it.


Time is not measured by clocks but by moments. Live in it.

~ Azure


shirona • 5 Jan 2018, 7:27 PM

Thank you!